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Member Spotlight: Qasim Rafiq, Engineering the Future of CGT Research and Training


Member Spotlight: Qasim Rafiq, MEng, PhD, CEng, CSci
Engineering the Future of CGT Research and Training

By:Ashley Krull, PhD
Telegraft Contributing Editor
Mayo Clinic Rochester
Rochester, United States

Dr. Ashley Krull, of the Telegraft Hub Editorial Board sits down with Dr. Qasim Rafiq to discuss the future of CGT research and training.

Dr. Qasim Rafiq is an Associate Professor in Cell and Gene Therapy Bioprocess Engineering at University College London and leads a large research group. Dr. Rafiq’s research lab operates at the intersection of life science, engineering, and commercialization activities. After receiving a prestigious EPSRC Early-Career Fellowship earlier this year, Dr. Rafiq’s group is poised to expand their research into the optimization of smart manufacturing strategies for cell and gene therapies. Telegraft Editorial Board member Ashley Krull caught up virtually with Dr. Rafiq during a well-deserved holiday away from the lab. However, as ISCT members will hear, the lab, his trainees, and his bold research goals are never far from his mind.


