Madison Paton, PhD
Co-chair ISCT ANZ Regional ESP Subcommittee
Research Fellow, Cerebral Palsy Alliance Research Institute
The University of Sydney
Sydney, Australia
Jessica Sue, BSc, MHSM
Co-chair ISCT ANZ Regional ESP Subcommittee
Quality Manager, Sydney Cord Blood Bank, Sydney Children’s Hospital
Sydney, Australia
Guy Klamer, PhD
ISCT ANZ Regional Secretary
Director, Sydney Cord Blood Bank, Sydney Children’s Hospital
Sydney, Australia
The ISCT Australia & New Zealand (ANZ) Regional Early Stage Professionals (ESP) Subcommittee has now been in operation for one year. Co-chaired by Jessica Sue and Madison Paton, the subcommittee has made exceptional progress in engaging within ISCT and supporting our ESP network. The subcommittee serves the ANZ community and works to upskill and engage ESPs to ensure the success of delivering key global ISCT objectives, including fostering the clinical translation of cell and gene therapies worldwide to ultimately improve patient lives.
Some key achievements and highlights for the subcommittee over the past year have included:
· Developing our purpose statement that helped shape the directions and objectives of our subcommittee. Published on the ISCT website:
· Two Telegraft publications covering a variety of ESP and ISCT member interest areas [1, 2]
· Hosting an ESP session at the Regional Meeting in Brisbane in August 2022, introducing our committee to attendees and showcasing abstracts from ESPs, as well as an ESP networking corner (scheduled again for the Regional Meeting in Perth in August 2023)
· Distributing surveys to ISCT ANZ members, including one titled ‘Enriching our ISCT ANZ Regional Website’. Results were presented as a poster abstract at the Regional Meeting in 2022
· Expanding the subcommittee to a total of eight members, including two co-chairs, with strong representation across the ANZ region (members from across both countries and within Australia, in NSW, QLD and WA)
· Monthly subcommittee meetings to touch-base and help deliver our objectives and monthly reporting to the ANZ Regional Committee
· Planning for two future webinars that showcase ESP-driven initiatives, content and interests
· Development of the ‘ISCT ESPs Website Community Forum Engagement Guidelines’ (informed from the above survey)
· Promoting international collaboration by meeting with the ISCT Asia Regional ESP Subcommittee to develop collaborative tasks and opportunities, and active participation of several members in the Global ESP committee
Madison and Jessica, what have you enjoyed the most about being co-chair of the ISCT ANZ ISCT Subcommittee?
Madison, PhD: Research Fellow at the Cerebral Palsy Alliance Research Institute. Scientists, academics and clinical trialists are interested in advancing cell therapies for childhood neurological conditions.
Being able to deliver on our mission and provide opportunities for ESPs within ISCT has been the highlight. Each month as we catch-up over Teams, I am so proud of the committee and the incredible strengths that each member brings to the group. We have members from so many backgrounds and interest areas. Their enthusiasm continues to drive me to do better and help lead ESPs within our exceptional and growing community. I am in awe of what we have managed to accomplish so far.
Jessica, BSc, MHSM: Quality Manager at the Sydney Cord Blood Bank. Scientist with extensive experience in working in a GMP-grade cellular therapy manufacturing facility.
After joining the Global ESP Committee, I was so pleased to have the chance to co-chair a subcommittee for the ANZ region and be a part of offering such an incredible opportunity to ANZ ESPs. Each member brings unique and valuable insight to the group and really brings their all in every task. I am impressed with how quickly we have been able to fulfill so many objectives, much of which we achieved with strong support from both the ANZ Regional Executive and the ISCT Head Office. I look forward to continuing to serve the ISCT community and both promote and increase the involvement of ESPs in our region!
Developing a regional subcommittee following the success of the Global ISCT ESP was a major goal for subcommittee member Guy Klamer, who was instrumental in its establishment. Guy is now reaching 10-years post his terminal degree and will leave his role as ESP. Guy, as you transition from being an ESP in ISCT, what’s your legacy?
Guy Klamer, PhD: Director at the Sydney Cord Blood Bank. ISCT ANZ Secretary, FACT Cord Blood Bank Inspector, PhD in small molecule inhibitors of T-cell activation in the context of transplantation. Firstly, I would like to thank past and present members of the global ESPs, ANZ Regional Committee, ANZ Executive Committee, regional ESPs, Mentors, and Head Office. Without them I would not be in this fortuitous situation where I have been asked about “legacy” or having my transition from ESP to mid-career professional marked by winning the Spirit of ESP Award. Legacy....well let’s not go that far as I still have much I would like to achieve, but the establishment of the regional ESPs and seeing it find its unique identity and purpose in the regional membership is a highlight, along with co-chairing the global ESPs for 2 years. When I started on the global ESPs I was the first Australian committee member, and it was a relatively new committee. Since I have left, there has remained at least one ANZ representative, which I think is great for the region. The geolocation of the ANZ region can make it challenging for ESP members to contribute to meetings and goals of the global ESPs so setting up a regional ESP committee was something I felt motivated to achieve. I guess I have been able to develop myself, and support the development of others like me, through contribution to the society. So in that sense I leave behind a former version of myself and gain friends, colleagues, maturity, and experience. I also leave behind my position on the Executive Committee as secretary. It’s not legacy but it does portray how I feel at the moment of the transition out of ESPs. I look forward to what is next and will always be available to support the goals of the regional ESP. Well done Jessica and Madison on what you have molded this committee into. I wish you all the best.
The subcommittee co-chairs would especially like to thank the members of the subcommittee, the ISCT ANZ Regional Secretary Guy Klamer and Vice President Zlatibor Velickovic for their commitment and enduring support of ESPs. Here’s to another successful year!
1. [Online]
2. [Online]