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JACIE In Glasgow EBMT Annual Meeting 14-17th 2024


Tuula Rintala
Director, Quality of Care and Advocacy
EBMT, European Society for Blood and Marrow Transplantation
Barcelona, Spain


What was #EBMT24 made of? It was made of meetings with friends, colleagues and peers; smiles and laughter; learning and sharing; long days and short nights. Glasgow - you were magnificent! 

JACIE finished its 25th Anniversary year with a bang by joining in the 50th Anniversary celebrations of the EBMT in Glasgow 14-17th April 2024. Over 4,500 delegates attended sessions over the four days and we were delighted to host the 18th Quality Management Day aimed at Quality Managers and all health professionals interested in quality and quality management.

This year Quality Management Day welcomed speakers from the JACIE Community far and afield. We were delighted to welcome the Medical Director of FACT, Dr Phyllis Warkentin, who presented an overview on the evolution of the quality management standards across the FACT-JACIE Standards. As the work continues on the 9th Edition of the FACT-JACIE Standards it was a timely reminder of the ways quality has become firmly embedded within the Standards and within the transplant and cellular therapy community.

Dr Lynn Manson, Chair of the JACIE Committee, gave a preview of the forthcoming 9th Edition of the Standards due to be opened for the public consultation in Summer 2024. As JACIE will be joining FACT in co-publishing the 3rd Edition of the IEC Standards, we were delighted to welcome Ms Jade Mulligan from London, UK, making a case for IEC only accreditation for clinical trials and oncology units providing CAR-T treatments in the oncology setting.

We also took an opportunity to commemorate Dr. Riccardo Saccardi who passed away in February 2024. Dr Saccardi held a number of positions in the EBMT, but also held the position of JACIE Medical Director 2016-2020 and was a member of the JACIE Committee as well as a member of the FACT-JACIE Standards Steering Committee for a number of years.  More recently, Dr Saccardi lead on the EBMT’s Benchmarking project; another example of his lifelong commitment to improve the quality of care within the transplant/cellular therapy.

The Annual Meeting was also an opportunity for the various JACIE Committees to meet in person and we were delighted to facilitate the meetings for the Inspector, Quality Managers’ and the JACIE Committees confirming their work plans for the year ahead.

A huge thank you for everyone involved in the programme; to everyone visiting JACIE Booth during the conference – we enjoyed the opportunity to meet you in person; and to all our inspectors, centres and committee members for your time and commitment to JACIE. We look forward to seeing you again in Florence 2025.


