Ethics of Cell and Gene Therapy (ECGT) Committee


The ISCT Committee on the Ethics of Cell and Gene Therapy (ECGT) strives to:

  1. Identify key ethical issues associated with the development, regulatory authorization, marketing, and distribution of cell and gene therapies.
  2. Share knowledge and effective strategies among scientific and medical societies, health care providers and institutions, patient associations, and patients and their families.
  3. Promote rigorous research, appropriate clinical investigation and application of, and equitable access to cell- and gene-based therapies.

Learn more about Committee Resources - Click here to view

Formerly known as the ISCT Presidential Task Force on the Use of Unproven and/or Unethical Cell and Gene Therapies (PTF).

Selected Publications

Committee Chair:

Bruce Levine
University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine
United States

Committee Vice Chairs:

Vice - Chair, Science
University of Vermont
United States
Vice - Chair, Regulatory
Baylor College of Medicine
United States
Vice - Chair, Industry
Kiji Therapeutics


ISCT ECGT Committee Website

The ISCT ECGT Committee website contains numerous resources that strive to characterize unproven and unethical cell and gene interventions, and promote safe and effective practices worldwide.