Early Stage Professionals (ESP) Committee


The Early Stage Professionals Committee strives to:

  • Promote regional and global interaction and networking for early stage professionals (within 10 years of terminal degree or entry into the field of cell therapy) and to establish future leaders for ISCT.

Projects & Objectives

  • Increase the number of early stage professionals in ISCT across all regions
  • Increase the engagement of early career stage individuals to become ISCT members
  • Provide networking opportunities for early stage professionals within ISCT
  • Increase abstract and manuscript submissions from ESPs
  • Foster ISCT loyalty and long-term membership retention
  • Provide resources, career guidance, and support for early stage professionals to help ensure their success
  • Secure corporate funding for the activities of the ESP subgroup

Upcoming Virtual Events

Selected Publications

The Committee

Headshot of Rachel Burga


Rachel Burga, PhD

Obsidian Therapeutics
Cambridge, MA, United States

Headshot of Nisha Durand


Nisha Durand, PhD

BioCytics Inc. 
Charlotte, NC, United States

Arwa Zakariya Al Riyami, BSc, MD, FRCPc

University of Pennsylvania
Philadelphia, PA, United States

Alejandro Barquero, MPharm, MSc
DanausGT Biotech Ltd

Madrid, Spain

Laura Barrachina, DVM, MSc, PhD
Regenerative Medicine Institute (REMEDI) National University or Ireland Galway

Galway, Ireland

Chesarahmia (Dojo Soeandy) Bouhs, PhD
Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, University Health Network

Toronto, ON, Canada

Raniero Chimienti, PhD
Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele

Michael Creane, BSc, MSc, PhD
National University of Ireland Galway
Galway, Ireland

Rajdeep Das, MD, PhD, FIBMS
CWRU School of Medicine

Cleveland, OH, United States

Alicia Didsbury, PhD
University of Auckland
Auckland, New Zealand

Ashley Geiger, MSc
Childrens National Medical Center
Washington, DC, United States

Elizabeth George, MS, MEM
Nationwide Children’s Hospital
United States

Mahlegha Ghavami, PhD
Dalhousie University

Monica Klein, MD
Mayo Clinic Rochester
Rochester, MN, United States

Exellerium AB

Thane Kubik, MD, MS
University of Minnesota
United States

Madeline Lauener, PhD
City of Hope National Medical Center
United States

Theodros (Teddy) Mamo, MD, PhD
University of Minnesota Medical School
Minneapolis, MN, United States

Gemma Moir-Meyer, MSc
Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Ibrahim Muhsen, MBBS

Houston Methodist Hospital/Weill Cornell College of Medicine
Houston, TX, United States

Albeena Nisar, MPhil, PhD
Tata Memorial Centre
Mumbai, India

Maryam Pasdar, BSc
Children's National Hospital

Washington, DC, United States

Nikita Patel, MSci, PhD
INmune Bio
London, United Kingdom

Colleen Richards, MSc
Thermo Fisher Scientific | PSG-STT

San Diego, CA, United States

Manuela Romano, PhD
University of Auckland

Auckland, New Zealand

Geoffrey Rouin, BSc, M.Eng
University of Pennsylvania

Philadelphia, PA, United States

Palak Sekhri, MSc
Children’s National Hospital

Washington, DC, United States

Ali Shokoohmand, PhD, AFHEA
The University of Queensland

St. Lucia, Brisbane, QLD

Thomas Spoerer, BSc
University of Georgia
United States

Pierre Springuel, PhD 

University College London 
United Kingdom

Jessica Sue, BSc, MHSM
Sydney Cord Blood Bank
Sydney, NSW, Australia

Jack Tremblay, BSc

Baylor College of Medicine
United States

Ben Weil, EngD
Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust
London, United Kingdom

Elani Wiest, PhD
Mayo Clinic

Jacksonville, FL, United States

Piriya Yoganathan, PhD, MBA
Ottawa Hospital Research Institute
Ottawa, ON, Canada

Shiraz Ziya, PhD

Liverpool, United Kingdom