Asia Regional Early Stage Professionals (ESP) Subcommittee


The Asia Regional Early Stage Professionals (ESP) Committee is a sub-committee of the ISCT Asia Regional Executive Committee.


The ISCT Asia Regional ESP Subcommittee will work closely with the Asia Regional  Executive Committee and the global ESP Committee to serve the regional ESP membership, and ultimately contributes to the Society's overarching mission to drive clinical translation of cell and gene therapies worldwide. 


  • Provide mentoring opportunities for ISCT ESPs and increased interactions between ESPs and regional leadership 
  • Increase ESP membership across all regions
  • Support and work closely with the Regional Executive Committees on region specific initiatives
  • Build ISCT community and engagement in each region
  • Increase abstract and manuscript submissions from ESPs
  • Provide resources, career guidance, and support for ESPs to help ensure their success

    The Committee

    Headshot of Sudipto Bari


    Sudipto Bari, PhD

    National Cancer Centre Singapore



    Chaiyong Koaykul, PhD

    Chulalongkorn University,
    King Chulalongkorn Memorial Hospital,
    Thai Red Cross Society
    Bangkok, Thailand

    Matias Autio, PhD

    Genome Institute of Singapore

    Sam Thi Nguyen, PhD

    Stem Cell and Gene Therapy Applied Research Center
    Hanoi, Vietnam

    Uday Kulkarni, MD, DM
    Christian Medical College, Vellore
    Vellore, India

    Albeena Nisar, PhD

    Tata Memorial Centre (TMC), ACTREC
    Mumbai, India

    Syed Raza, PhD
    Era's Lucknow Medical College and Hospital, Era University

    Lucknow, India

    Natasha Ng, PhD
    Stem Cells and Diabetes Lab (Adrian Teo Lab),

    Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology (IMCB),

    Eddie Tan, PhD, CABP
    Cell Therapy Facility, 

    Health Sciences Authority Singapore