Stem Cell Engineering Committee

Aims & Scope

The ISCT Stem Cell Engineering Committee provides a forum to discuss and advance the field of ‘standard bone marrow transplantation’, engineered stem cells (including T cell depletion techniques) and bridges to more advanced cell and gene therapy solutions for definitive cure of malignant and non-malignant life-threatening disorders.

The Committee tries to identify and promote advancements in stem cell research, enabling technologies, and emerging applications of engineered stem cell products to drive the translation of safe and effective engineered stem-cell therapies worldwide.

The Committee also considers the variability of clearance of agents given in the conditioning regimen as well as the immune reconstitution/immune milieu after transplant as predictor for outcomes. To that end, the Stem Cell Engineering Committee participates in the planning of the Roundtable Programs at the ISCT Annual Meeting and ISCT Regional Meetings and the review of submitted abstracts, develops reviews to capture the status of current and new developments in stem cell engineering, and publishes position papers as necessary to advance the field. 

Selected Publications

The Committee

Headshot of Jaap Jan Boelens

Jaap Jan Boelens, MD, PhD
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
New York, United States


Alice Bertaina, MD, PhD
Stanford School of Medicine
Stanford, United States


Allistair Abraham, MD
Children's National Hospital
Washington, United States

Carmem Bonfim, MD, PhD
Hospital Pequeno Principe
Curitiba, Brazil

Amy DeZern, MD, MHS
John Hopkins Medicine
Baltimore, United States

Chrystal Louis, MD, MPH

CRISPR Therapeutics
Cambridge, United States

Mara Pavel-Dinu, PhD
Stanford University
Redwood City, United States

Jingjing Li, PhD
University of New South Wales
Sydney, Australia

Madhavi Lakkaraja, MD,MPH
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center
Seattle, United States
ESP Leadership Development Program

Susan Prockop, MD
Boston Children's Hospital
Boston, United States

Duncan Purtill, MD
Fiona Stanley Hospital
Murdoch, Australia

Annalisa Ruggeri, MD, PhD
San Raffaele Hospital

Milan, Italy

Akshay Sharma, MBBS
St Jude Children's Research Hospital
Memphis, United States

Alan Bidgoli, DO
Emory School of Medicine
Atlanta, United States

Martin Maiers, MSc
NMDP/Be The Match
Minneapolis, United States