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Gabrielle O’Sullivan PhD MPH Executive Officer, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital Institutional Biosafety Committee, Royal Prince Alfred Hospital Australia Giulia Giunti PhD Quality Manager, Malaghan Institute of Medical Research Wellington, New Zealand Drs. O'Sullivan and Giunti cover key...
[Telegraft 28.3] - ANZ LRA Watchdog.pdf
Republished with permission of: Victoria English Editor, MedNous London, UK Dr. Peter Marks, Director for the Center for Biologics Evaluation and Research (CBER) of the US Food and Drug Administration, shared some perspectives from the FDA at ISCT 2021. In this piece by Victoria English, learn...
MedNous - 06-18_A New Paradigm for Gene Therapy_Victoria English.pdf
Featuring the profiles of the three recipients of the 2021 Major ISCT Awards 2021 Career Achievement Award Don Kohn, MD 2021 Le Prix Luc Sensebé in Innovation and Leadership Keith Thompson CBE 2021 Darwin J. Prockop Mentoring Award Catherine Bollard, MBChB, MD #28.3 #Awards ...
Talking With Giants - 2021.pdf
Featuring Dr. Michael Gustafson, Ph.D. Laboratory Director, Nyberg Human Cellular Therapy Laboratory Associate Professor of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology Mayo Clinic Phoenix, Arizona Dr. Gustafson of the Mayo Clinic Arizona campus provides a look into how his career in cell and gene...
[Telegraft 28.3] - Leadership Spotlight.pdf
By Joaquim Vives, PhD Banc de Sang i Teixits Barcelona, Spain Contributing editor Dr. Joaquim Vives provides his thoughts on an inspiring discussion started at ISCT 2021: The transformation of starting materials into safe and efficacious medicines involves numerous stakeholders and...
[Telegraft 28.3] - From the Editors.pdf
ISCT President Bruce Levine speaks to the strengths of diversity and inclusivity within ISCT as a global organization, and reflects on his experiences at the recent ISCT 2021 Annual Meeting. By Bruce Levine, PhD President, ISCT University of Pennsylvania United States #ISCT2021 ...
[Telegraft 28.3] - From the President's Desk.pdf
By Rachel Ciccocioppo, MD and Giuseppe Orlando, MD, PhD Co-Chairs ISCT Gastrointestinal Committee Dr. Ciccocioppo and Dr. Orlando have penned a letter, on the behalf of the ISCT Gastrointestinal Committee, to further encourage the inclusion of cell and gene therapy discussions and education in...
[Telegraft 28.3] - GI Committee Letter.pdf
New at ISCT 2021 were the co-sponsored roundtable sessions on hot topics facing the cell and gene therapy industry. The sessions featured live discussion and Q&A from the audience, making for dynamic sessions tackling challenges to cell and gene therapy clinical translation. The Preparing...
ISCT 2021 - Future of CAR T Manufacturing Panel Abstract (1).pdf
By Laarni Ibenana, MPS Project Manager Production Assistance for Cellular Therapies After 18 years of support from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), the Production Assistance for Cellular Therapies (PACT) program is coming to a close. We at the Telegraft would like...
[Telegraft 28.3] - PACT Update - June 2021.pdf
By Donald G. Phinney, PhD Senior Editor The Scripps Research Institute-Scripps Florida Jupiter, FL, USA The June 2021 issue of Cytotherapy features a review article from Zhang et al., that provides an overview of the epidemiology and pathogenesis of osteoarthritis, reviews existing pre...
[Telegraft 28.3] - Cytotherapy Corner.pdf