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Meet the ESP Ambassadors for ISCT 2022 San Francisco!

Meet the ESP Ambassadors for ISCT 2022 San Francisco!

The ambassadors will provide an insider eye on the upcoming ISCT 2022 Annual Meeting IN PERSON in San Francisco, USA, through interviews and content spotlights developed leading up to, and during the Annual Meeting. Keep an eye out for them onsite and connect with them at #ISCT2022 on Twitter.

Tiffany Hood, BSc
PhD Student, University College London, United Kingdom

Twitter Handle: @TiffanyHoodCGT
LinkedIn: tiffany-hood-45473094

Ted Kieffer, MD
Medical Director, Blood Assurance, United States

Twitter Handle: @Dr_ConneCTed
LinkedIn: ted-kieffer-8b0092143

Kathryn Strange, MSci
PhD Student, Anthony Nolan Research Institute, University College London, United Kingdom

Twitter Handle: @_strangescience
LinkedIn: kathryn-strange-205398b1

LEARN MORE about the ESP Ambassadors and watch their intro videos.

