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FACT Cellular Therapy Accreditation Workshop Pre-Conference Workshop


Guy Klamer
Sydney Cord Blood Bank
FACT Cord Blood Bank Inspector

The Foundation for the Accreditation of Cellular Therapy (FACT) held a Cellular Therapy Accreditation Workshop on the 6th August at the Heritage Hotel, Queenstown, New Zealand. This one-day workshop preceded the 2024 ISCT ANZ Regional Conference. 

The Workshop brought together experienced speakers from FACT-accredited organisations, members of the FACT inspectorate, and the FACT Chief Medical Officer and founding member Dr Phyllis Warkentin M.D. The Workshop attendees comprised of industry professionals from FACT accredited cell therapy programs, organisations actively seeking FACT accreditation, as well as those who were seeking information and knowledge for best practice standards to improve quality standards at their facilities.

To cater for the variety of roles and experiences of attendees, the presentations were designed to include a range of topics to be of interest to everyone in attendance. The presentations included;

Phyllis Warkentin, MD (FACT Chief Medical Officer):

  • Overview of the FACT Accreditation Process
  • Leveraging FACT Accreditation to Reduce Audit Burdens

Guy Klamer, PhD (Sydney Cord Blood Bank, FACT Inspector):

  • Key to Compliance Application Success
  • What to Expect During the Inspection (speaking on behalf of Vicki Antonenas MSc (Med))

Jessica Sue, MHSM (Sydney Cord Blood Bank, Trainee FACT Inspector):

  • Correction of Deficiencies

Cheryl Hutchins, PhD (The Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital and Queensland Children’s Hospital);

  • When Things Don’t Go As Planned

Ngaire Elwood, PhD, MAICD:

  • Maintaining FACT Readiness

